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The Complete Medium Arthur Findlay College

November 30 - December 7, 2019


Arthur Findlay College

Registration is Closed
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Time & Location

November 30 - December 7, 2019

Arthur Findlay College, Stansted Hall, Burton End, Stansted CM24 8UD, UK


About the event

Course 48B 2019

(30 Nov - 07 Dec 2019)

The Complete Medium

Mediumship / Mixed Levels (No absolute beginners)

Mediumship, Psychic and Personal-Development

Where is your development heading? Is it time for you to really move forward with your mediumship?

This new course will be looking at helping you to become ‘The Complete Medium’. Chris has brought together a strong team of tutors that are passionate about developing high standards of mediumship!

The week will focus on, in a practical way, demonstrating evidence of eternal life and the intelligence behind the communication; understanding the use of clairsentience in blending with the communicator from the spirit world and being able to emanate from oneself the essence of the spirit communicator.

The team will also be focusing on clairvoyance; through practical exercises we will work on understanding how clairvoyance truly works and how to surrender to those picture/ images from the communicator and take your evidence to new heights.

There will be plenty of opportunities through group sessions, tutorials and student demonstrations for us to work on your demonstrating skills.

In the private sittings situation we will look at exercises to strengthen and give structure to your sittings, giving you exercises that will help you with understanding and assessing the needs of your sitter, aiming to be able to give quality sittings that leave your sitter satisfied and uplifted.

The course shall also look at bringing your own individuality into your mediumship! This is an aspect that is often neglected within one’s development.

As a medium, it is vital that we also develop ourselves in order to be a clearer channel for the spirit world. The team will be looking at your own personal-development and how you can lead a fuller, happier and more meaningful life! You will connect deeply with your own soul; explore a deeper understanding of its nature and purpose, and how to ultimately enhance your own spirituality and mediumistic abilities.

Through discussions, meditations and practical exercises, you will work with your own soul energy, while strengthening your connection on the psychic and mediumistic levels.

You will be given solid ‘support’ by the team, who will look at all aspects of your mediumship and make practical assessments of your evidence and give you plenty of constructive feedback to help you move forward. You will have the opportunity to experience the teachings of all tutors during the week.

This will be an enjoyable but PROGRESSIVE week… Are you ready for the challenge?

Mediumship / Mixed Levels (No absolute beginners)


Chris Drew




Mixed Level


Chris Drew

Lynn Probert

Eileen Davies

Guest Tutors


Number of Nights: 7

Arrive after 3pm for 5pm

Start on Saturday 30th November 2019

Depart after breakfast on

Saturday 07th December 2019

Prices are per person and based on Shared Basic Accommodation

Price: £625.00


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